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Intergalactic Research Network


To evolve, each colony should be able to conduct research independently. With the intergalactic research network (research center), research time is reduced by combining the largest research laboratory at a level equal to the one of the intergalacti research network.

Price per level

Does not take into consideration the possible number of planets

How does it work ?

During your development, researches will begin to take more and more time (10 days, 20 days, 60 days…)

It is possible to reduce that time, thanks to the intergalactic research network.

The first level of your intergalactic research network will allow you to associate your best laboratory (the one with which you launch your researches) with your second best.

Example : If your intergalactic research network is level 2 and that you have level 10, 7 and 4 labs, the research time will be the one for a level 21 lab.

Let's get a little more technical

The intergalactic research network works with this equation : t = T/(1+L+N)

  • T : initial time of the research
  • t : final time of th research
  • L : laboratory level
  • N : Intergalacti research network level (which is to say, the number of labs that can join for this research to be done quicker)

The research center will merge the computation force of your best labaratory with the second best (if you're level 1), and so on at each upper level.

Example : You have four labs : level 12, 9, 6 and 4, and your intergalactic network is level 1. The research time will be calculated as if you had a laboratory level 12 + 9 = 21.

Level 1 : 12 + 9 = 21

Level 2 : 12 + 9 + 6 = 27

Level 3 : 12 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 31

Level 4 : 12 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 31 as you only posess 4 labs

In practice :

If your research lasts three hours, with a level 12 lab, the time will be : 3/(1+12) = 3/13 = -23 minutes.

If you up your interglactic research network to level 2, your best laboratories regroup and the time will then be : 3/(1+12+9+6) = 3/(28) = -10 minutes.

centrale_de_recherches.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/09/21 18:06 par zortel