====== Lines ======
===== The main principle =====
SpaceDestiny offers you an excluive battle system that allows you to organize your troops in several lines.
You can create and elaborate your own strategies thanks to __4 lines__.
In a battle, line 2 won't fight until line 1 is destroyed. Same thing goes for all the line. It is a "line-by-line" battle.
Here is an example on the attacker's side :
{{ :les_lignes.jpg |}}
Here is an example on the defender's side :
{{ :lies_lignes_def.jpg |}}
===== Organizing you combat fleet =====
Before lauching your fleet in a fierce combat, you need to prepare yourself and make sure you have an adequate strategy.
Via your fleet menu, you can choose your fleet formation thanks to the lines.
{{ :flotte_ligne.jpg |}}
===== Saving your organization =====
Via your fleet menu again, you can save your strategy :
{{ :organiserflottedéfense.jpg |}}
**1.** You can organize your lines in four different ways :
Four tabs are available :
*Defence : allows you to organize both fleet and defenses.
* Attack 1/Attack 2/Attack 3 : allows you to plan three types of attack.
**2.** You can give names to your strategies, and I strongly recommend you to do so, so that you can clearly identify them afterwords. It'll make your choice easier and quicker.
**3.** Choose the new line of your spaceships or defense.
**4.** Choose you commander ships lines.
**5.** Validate will save your strategy.
{{ :défenseflotte.jpg |}}
==== Choosing your saved strategy ====
Via your fleet menu again, you just need to select the strategy you want to and the lines will automatically be set up for your different spaceships.
{{ :strat.jpg |}}
===== Lines in simulation =====
You can also change and choose lines in simulation. It is a good way of testing different plans.
{{ :somu_ligne.jpg |}}