====== Races ======
On SpaceDestiny, you can choose between 3 difference races, which relate to different styles of play.
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Let's see a little bit more in detail these three races :
====== United States of Science & Technology (USST) ======
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===== Description =====
It's the association of the best human ingeniors who managed to make our race survive elsewhere than on planet Earth. This alliance is a democracy which promotes peace and a place where scientific progress and technologies are omnipresent. Almost all discoveries regarding spatial journeys, propulion and weaponry come from them. Joining them will ensure you consistent technological progress.
===== Characteristics =====
USST race targets building constructions and research times, a penalty being taken on fleet and defense constructions :
* **Building constructions : x1**
* **Research time : x1**
* **Fleet constructions : x0.85**
* **Defense constructions : x0.85**
The USST gives you access to exclusive defenses. It is recommended to choose the USST if your have a miner profile
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====== Nemesius Coalition ======
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===== Description =====
It is the gathering of all poeple banned fromm the Alliance. A totalitarian regime controlled by a sole man, the Nemesien emperor, designated for his military power. This empire, dreaming of vengeance, has always given priority to its strikeforce development. By joining the Nemesiens you give more importance to military development and war.
===== Characteristics =====
The Nemesiens target ships and defenses constructions, buildings and research come after :
* **Building constructions : x0.85**
* **Research time : x0.85**
* **Fleet construction : x1**
* **Defense construction : x1**
Nemisien race gives you access to exclusive types of ships. This race is raider-oriented
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====== Mercuros Corp. ======
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===== Description =====
It is the group of commanders guided by two general ideas : liberty and money. A group living through commerce and mercenaries. It was decided that, between all those commanders, a chief should be nominated...the richest was the chosen one. Joining Mercuros Corporation means giving priority to trade, business and fleet development.
===== Characteristics =====
Mercuros Corp. targets research time and fleet construction :
* **Building constructions : x0.85**
* **Research time : x1**
* **Fleet construction : x1**
* **Defense construction : x0.85**
Mercuros race gives you acces to exclusive defenses and transportation ships. Recommended race for hybrid profiles
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====== Changing faction ======
The only way t change from one faction to another is by going to the consortium and paying 35.000 dark matter.
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